We're Giving Away: Your Portrait!
13 Jan 2012
.......................This contest is now closed........................
A big thank you to everyone who joined!
Congratulations to Ria Carla Ramos for our 1st prize!
we wanted to give out a surprise token for our 2nd prize winner
Maria Corazon Veluz!
Can you say Papemelroti the right way?
If you can, you can win your own framed sartorialist portrait by Papemelroti award-winning graphic designer Robert Alejandro.
Winners get to send their full length photograph (or someone else's if you'd rather).
Here's how to say it right - click here http://youtu.be/eAkmUp3Znc4
To join, send us a link to your video or audio recording on Youtube (or elsewhere) and we will pick the best most creative one! E-mail the link to 

Kindly do not send us the videos or audio files via e-mail as it will clog our system.
Contest ends March 1, 2012.
This contest is open worldwide! We will be announcing the winner in our March e-Newsletter so watch out for that.
*Winners must reply within 5 days.