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Painted Verses by Peggy

22 Oct 2015
We thought you would enjoy a compilation of Peggy's most recent sketches.  She is the "pe" of pa-PE-melroti and she shares with us her drawings done while she is reflecting on the Word.  She shares her work with us with short captions taken from Instagram.

Everything is a grace because everything is God's gift. Whatever be the character of life or its unexpected events—to the heart that loves, all is well. - Thérèse de Lisieux

Jesus asks us this same question He asked Peter. And even when we are unfaithful, as Peter was, He continues to accept us and ask us again, "Do you love me?" He knows the answer to this question even more than we do. But He still delights in our "Yes, Lord, you know that I love you."
Expressing love increases love.

What a wonderful thought that even the hairs on our heads are numbered! Let me remember this when I am anxious or fearful. Fear not!

God's words in this verse in Numbers really struck me when I first read them. What words are WE saying? 

God's WORD has seen me through the most challenging times of my life.

May these words of Jesus in John 17:4 be also true for me.

I finally overcame the fear of the blank margins in my new journaling bible and started on my first illustration!

In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world.” John 16:33

A blessed Sunday!

Jesus' prayer and mine...

A reminder...

When the world tells us different things

We are living in the world but not of this world. We are sons and daughters of God, citizens of the Kingdom. Our true home is where our Father is. 
Lord, help me to always remember that, as the song goes,"Heaven is my home, I am Kingdom bound..."


Peggy is a graduate of Architecture from the University of the Philippines. Although she still does some architectural design, most of the time she does designs for papemelroti.

One of her favorite themes is friendship and she likes including family and friends in her illustrations for gift wrappers and stationery. Peggy also sculpts originals for figurines, picture frames, and other decorative accessories. Her "Elyse" figurine is named after her daughter.

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