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Off the Wall

26 May 2015

Graphic designer Robert Alejandro has been creating such charming creatures with his Papemelroti paintings!

Robert's shares some thoughts with us on his art...

"Most of you don't know - I've always been insecure about my art. 
Insecurities of "why aren't I an artsy artist"? Why am I not part of "art manila"? Why don't I have a gallery handling me? Why am I not paid big bucks for my art?

All these why's. All these insecurities.

Recently, a wise friend advised me, "you should be thankful that so many people admire your art and are inspired by it". My friend is right. 

And so I will (try my best to) put aside my insecurities and instead replace it with gratitude and sharing. 

These were my thoughts as I painted the latest mural for Papemelroti UP Town Center. 
This is a detail of the mural. I sincerely hope you enjoy my art."


The Craft Party
Can you imagine exploring some remote wooded area and chancing upon a party of animals chatting and busy with crafty projects? A cat preparing for papier-mâché, a hedgehog doing bead work, a pug sculpting, the kingfisher is drawing and a reindeer doing carpentry. 

"Freestyle drawing" is what I call it. When I'm done painting with acrylics, I use a pencil and just scribble and doodle. 

Some people (Facebook friends) asked if I could draw some Philippine endemic animals in my next#papemelroti "mural". Well, here is a Philippine Dwarf Kingfisher. 

Do you know there are 200+ endemic bird species in the Philippines????!!!!! This is a drawing of one of them: the Apo myna.

This is a detail from my latest Papemelroti mural at UP town center. It's a hedgehog fiddling around with small pliers and beads making a charm bracelet. Guess how big is this hedgehog drawing?

This bulldog doesn't seem too happy about the sculpture he's making!

When I did my last #papemelroti mural at #smfairview , some followers asked me to paint other animals such as a reindeer. Request granted! Here is mr (or is it a ms?) reindeer working on some carpentry project.

While the cat, kingfisher, hedgehog and reindeer are busy working on their craft projects, the black bunny is in it for the free food. 

The little owl is next to his papa owl. I painted this with acrylics directly on whitewashed pine wood (recycled from crating material). See (or FIND) the actual artwork at 

#papemelroti #uptowncenter#iloveuptowncenter

To see these works of art in person, visit the newest Papemelroti branches at UP Town Center and Shoppesville Greenhills.
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