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How to Make One Word for 2014

03 Jan 2014
    Artwork by Calej for Papemelroti

“Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old.  Behold, I am doing a new thing;  now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?"
Isaiah 43:18-19

Happy New Year!  It's a new beginning & a new adventure to mount, what are you planning to do to make the year count?  

Have you heard of having "One Word" instead of New Year's resolutions?  Instead of making a list of things you wish to change, you replace this with a simple "One Word" that encapsulates all of this.  

This trend is certainly catching on because it's fun to do, easy to remember and more effective in the long run.  We have all been at the point where we forget what we wanted to do in the first place and just re-list those (with a bit of frustration) the next time the New Year comes along.

If this is your first time to pick a word (not a phrase), then let us help you start your quest.

As much as possible, think it through.  Don't just pick a word at random but something that ignites a spark within you.  Maybe your word hits you during your morning commute or when you're changing the baby's diapers.  That's alright but make sure you pick one of the words that inspires you to take that next step forward.

Some samples other people have picked are "Bloom", "Encourage", "Love" though it doesn't have to be a verb.  It can be something like "Strong" or "Caring" instead.  Pick your own word.  Sometimes others won't understand it.  Whatever it is, this word is going to be YOU this year.  As you speak this word to yourself, hold on to it and keep it close, you will eventually embody it.

Your word must encompass what you wish to THINK, SPEAK, DO and BE this 2014.  It shouldn't just be applicable to one area of your life.  It has to touch every part of your life to have more power.  It should affect the way you relate with others and fingers crossed, they will notice the positive change in you.

Also remember to give yourself a deadline.  The end of January should be the latest you go.  The word will be useless if you finalize it on September!

How to make it work? 

Once you've picked a word, post it on a piece of paper on your mirror, office desk or any place you spend some time to linger on each day.  You can write it down, take a picture of it and make it your desktop wallpaper.  You can put it on your alarm clock or time it in your phone so it pops up every so often to keep you in check.

Share the word with a good buddy so they can remind you from time to time and hold you accountable.  The more people know the word you're aiming for, the larger your support system and the better the results.  Better still, have a group wherein everyone knows everyone's "One Word" so each can build up the other.

Ready?  We're ready too!  We're going to start thinking about ours starting today!  Bless you!
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