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Books for Lent

06 Mar 2015
The Lenten season is a time of renewal and grace for every Christian!  Let's fully avail of this special time and discover more about the richness of our faith.

"As the reading of bad books fills the mind with worldly and poisonous sentiments; so, on the other hand, the reading of pious works fills the soul with holy thoughts and good desires." - St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori

These books with help fill our minds with the things of heaven instead of the things of earth.

There is something for everyone!  Even for those of us who aren't sure who God is (or even if He is real), check out the following: Extreme Intimacy with an Interactive God
by James Alexander Langteaux

"This is a book I want my friends to read.  To the agnostic it describes the human side of God.  To the outcast it is a tale of unconditional love.  To the disillusioned it blends wit and honesty to offer hope.  To the dreamer it inspires bigger dreams and visions. is the most thought-provoking book of faith I have ever read." Chris Falson

" I highly recommend this book. It's unlike any book I've read on Christian living and I look forward to more of his work." 

ITEM CODE:  #132-71
PRICE: Php199.75  /  $5.70

Glimpses of an Invisible God for Teens
Experiencing God in the Everyday Moments of Life
by Lighthouse Books

You forgot about the big exam, your best friend is sick, and it's your day to take out the trash. Where is God in all of this? Sure, you can feel His presence at church, but what about right now?
No matter what your day holds, God wants to walk with you. Find His touch in your everyday life. Each scripture and reading in this collection shines God's love on your life and #133;even the parts you may never have seen Him in before. Find His peace in your most hectic moments-even if you forgot to study!

"My children love reading books about God and have become very interested in learning that they are not the only kids who love an invisible God!!!" Christi Mac

ITEM CODE:  #303-8
PRICE:  Php250  /  $7.15

My Own Dream Journey 
A Journal for Dreamersby Bruce Wilkinson with Andries Gilliers

The author writes about the Big Dream that God gives each one of us, the Dream that will bring deeper meaning to our lives.  Have you, too, perhaps discovered your Life Dream already ... but in the daily hustle and bustle, you just do not get around to making a start on your own Dream Journey?

It is designed to help you with this. It is a journal about living one's Dream, and we are going to write it together! In my section of the book. I have summarized the central ideas from The Dream Giver for you so that you can continue to reflect on your Dream. I have included passages from scripture, prayers,quotes and various other material to set you thinking - as well as dreaming and journeying! In between what I have written, spaces have been left where you can jot down your reactions to what I have said.

"A Dream Journal is a very private affair, in which you may open your heart completely to yourself and to God. May this help you to start out joyfully on your personal dream journey... and find true fulfillment."

ITEM CODE: #303-16
PRICE:  Php250  /  $7.15

The Pocket Devotional
Lighthouse Books

Refresh your soul... anywhere!

Who knew such great inspiration could come in such a small package?  Each scripture and meditation is quickly read but not soon forgotten, challenging you to a new level of spiritual growth.  Put in your car, purse, briefcase, or backpack; and you're ready to spend quality time with God at any moment.

ITEM CODE: #303-59
PRICE: Php225 / $6.45

Soul Repair: Rebuilding Your Spiritual Life

by Jeff Vanvonderen, Dale and Juanita Ryan 

Do you fear that God is angry with you? Do you wonder if God is really for you? if God really loves you? Deep down many of us believe that we are not good enough, and never will be good enough, to have a meaningful relationship with God. This is because we have been spiritually trained in ways that have left us with distorted and inadequate spiritual life.

"Helpful book. Easy read, but also makes you think." Dana K. 

"It is a painful, heart-wrenching read if you have suffered any spiritual abuse; but it is so worth it. Healing and spiritual health are on the way thanks to these writers."  EMW

"This author has a perspective that is so rare and refreshing in the body of Christ. It is among the top 5 books I have ever read concerning spiritual, and relational topics. I have an extensive personal library and have been an avid reader, so when an author can inspire change in me, I will highly recommend it!"  Jesse Reeder

ITEM CODE:  #316-20
PRICE: Php225 / $6.45

Trust: A Godly Woman's Adornment
(On-the-Go Devotionals)
by Lydia Brownback 

"Skillful devotionals for those who face the challenge to 'fit it all in'.  Biblically rigorous and deeply perceptive.  Godly insights from a godly sister." Elyse Fitzpatrick

"A Ready resource for keeping our thinking focused on God himself.  The devotionals helped me understand my fear or discontent and our Heavenly Father's provision." Barbara Hughes

"Lydia Brownback call Christian women to lift their eyes upward and find security, rest, and peace in a sovereign God whose promises never fail!"  Nancy Leigh DeMoss

ITEM CODE: #316-42
PRICE: Php175  /  $5

Longing for More A Woman's Path to Transformation in ChristBy Ruth Haley Barton

"As I was reading this manuscript I circled many paragraphs, scribbled down many quotes and scattered hundreds of exclamation points in the margins - but I keep going back to one line in particular; "It is time, writes Ruth, 'to stand for what you believe and never look back' ... Longing for More challenges, encourages, motivates and empowers me toward that end.  Thank you Ruth. "  Lynne Hybels

ITEM CODE: #316-49
PRICE:  Php275  / $7.85

For more information or to purchase online, send us a message.  We ship worldwide.

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