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Preparing the Heart for Christmas

26 Oct 2018

Advent starts on the 2nd day of December!  

What does Christmas mean for us? Is it a time for frenetic shopping, food, decorating, loud music and reunions?

We prepare for the season in many ways but do we stop and prepare our hearts to celebrate it the real way - do we stop and recall the greatest GIFT to humankind?

What is indeed the "reason for the season"?

Advent is about Jesus' coming to us in 3 ways.

It is about His coming down from the limitless, blissful expanse of heaven to be with us in our imperfect lowliness.  That was His birth at Bethlehem.

Secondly, it is the fact that Jesus is with us now.  He is "Emmanuel" meaning, "God with us".  Through the power of God's Holy Spirit, He is "with us always until the end of the world."

But, even MORE than that, it is about Jesus' promise that He is coming to us again!  

Advent means "coming".  When we know that a guest is coming, we wait with anticipation.  We clean our home and replace the old linen with some fresh ones.  We buy food to serve and make sure we won't run out.  Advent is a time for us to do the same.

How do we wait with anticipation?

Advent is a special time to get closer to the Lord!  It's a special time of grace.  Let's do things that we do not normally do!

Why not listen to inspirational music instead of the usual pop music?  It gets us closer to God and keeps us upbeat!  We like listening to this station.

What do we do to prepare?

Just like we wipe away the dust from our furniture, now is the time to wipe away all of inner dirt - our worries, doubts, fears, flaws and resentments.


We wipe away worry and fear with faith...

... doubts with hope...

... and flaws and resentments with love.

Let's draw strength from these words from Scripture.   

There are an amazing wealth of tools online to help up prepare our hearts:


We hope you liked this inspirational post!  Tell us what you think in the comments below.  Feel free to share!

Surround yourself with God's Word!

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