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The Easter Season is Here!

05 Apr 2021


Jesus is Lord drawing by papemelroti artist Calej

"Do not abandon yourselves to despair. 
We are the Easter people and hallelujah is our song."
- Pope John Paul II

After 40 days of Lent, the whole Christian world celebrates 50 days of Easter!  Isn't life grand?  

Though the world still seems to be in the grips of sorrow due to the Covid19 crisis, we who believe can always look to Him with eyes of faith and see HOPE for the world everyday.  He who came as a humble babe in a manger, gave Himself up for us, (not so that we could be assured of a strong body everyday but to be assured of a strong soul) is still with us, within the depths of our hearts, calling us to a deeper friendship with Him - and to RISE WITH HIM to the hope of ETERNAL LIFE!  

If only we can see how He lived, died, and ROSE from the dead out of His GREAT LOVE for us during this season of Easter, we can, with eyes of faith, REJOICE!

He is Risen!!!  

Crown Him with many crowns,

The Lamb upon His throne;

Hark! How the heav’nly anthem drowns

All music but its own!

Awake, my soul and sing

Of Him Who died for thee,

And hail Him as thy matchless King

Through all eternity.  

Have a Blessed Easter Season to one and all! 

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