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Professionalizing the Business: papemelroti on BusinessWorld

16 May 2024
papemelroti professionalizing

//FAMILY-RUN enterprises should consider employing outsiders to professionalize their operations, according to siblings who own a local gift shop business.

Papemelroti has started hiring non-family experts for its business, according to Peggy Margaret A. Pilapil-Lasa, chief human resource officer and one of the five siblings who inherited the 57-year-old gift shop from their parents Bienvenido and Socorro Alejandro.

“We’ve recently hired an HR professional because compensation is under HR, and that was something we had no idea about how to decide on — even for our employees,” she told BusinessWorld.

“We would just think, ‘Who would we really feel bad about… because they’re hard to replace?’”

The family also started hiring middle management to help with decisions for them and the rest of their more than 100 employees.//

Full article is available here on Business World's online website 

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