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DIY Owl Collage

28 Jul 2016

We love owls, don't you?  They're smart and they don't talk too much!  They've got their eye on you (even at night) and best of all, they're so cute!

With a little time and effort, you can make something plain into something fanciful!  Just make them Owlsome with this super easy to do activity.  This is the perfect project to dress up your notebook and get motivated for school!  See what else you can make of it!

Here's how:

1. Get your full color printer ready and get a thick type of paper like Oslo.  Make sure the paper is printer ready.  Usually these are mentioned on the paper packaging.

2. Cut out all the shapes neatly.

3. Paste these on to your kraft paper in the right order to form the owl.

Make more things from this template and it will all be matching!  You'll be able to make your own Owl Paper Collection that you can personally use or give away to someone who appreciates DIY projects.

Your envelopes are surely beautiful with this design.

Make OWL your things look just OWLsome!!!

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