2007 Valentine's E-newsletter
01 Feb 2007

Dear Friend,
"We can do no great things; only small things with great love." - Mother Teresa (1910 - 1997)
How can one tell when love is great? Surely Mother Teresa should know all about that. She loves until it hurts reaching out to the poorest of the poor and making them feel special and loved. How many of us can do that? We oftentimes love only those that are truly lovable, those that have the ability to love us back.
We can only tell if our love is great when the going gets tough and when we need to make a sacrifice for our loved one. We can only tell if our love is true when it gets inconvenient for us but we still decide to love with our whole hearts, not grudgingly or dragging our feet but with a tender smile on our face!
Only when the "in love" feelings cease can the "true love" feelings surface as the fruit of a decision to love as God loves - unconditionally!
In celebrating love, let's strive for a life filled with "great love"!
E-Newsletter Editor
In this issue
Celebrating the Loves of our Lives Papemelroti Raffle is extended! Easy Homemade Gifts for Hearts Day! Good Events and Ideas New Products from Papemelroti
Celebrating the Loves of our Lives
- Loving God - when a negative thought comes, shoo it away with a prayer of thanksgiving (it will take a load off the Lord's "Complaints" inbox! (Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life …" --Philippians 2:14-16)Loving our Country - be informed about the potential candidates for the coming elections and vote only for those who have the country's best interests in mind.
- Loving our Spouses - Valentines comes only once a year! Everyone loves surprises! Plan yours to perfection! It can be an unexpected love letter tucked into lunch box, a bouquet of flowers delivered to their office, a new dress hanging in the closet, a practiced song number with the band where you have your dinner date! The more personalized your idea is, the more touched your spouse will be!
- Loving our Family - Come valentines day, sneak a gift under everyone's bedroom door (or hang on their doorknob) - it can be a handmade card, some sweets just expressing how much you love them.
- Loving our Kids - Time is the best gift to give to your children. Spend some quality time with them, playing a game, making a craft, baking a cake, or doing some challenging task you will all enjoy.
Loving the Unloved - Just look all around you, there is always someone in need. Think of a person who you regularly see in your neighborhood who is always down in the dumps. Give them something to make them smile! Warning: this deed may cause intense joy! (This deed, selflessly done, is just so great it also takes care of Loving yourself)
Papemelroti Raffle is extended!
Send in your entries! Raffle is extended! Just drop by Papemelroti outlets and get the last remaining free Hope journals and fill up the survey sheets. Send them back to us and we'll include them in our contest. You may also click on our site www.papemelroti.com and fill up the answers there. We will inform the winners via e-mail and through this e-newsletter!
Easy Homemade Gift for Hearts Day!
Fresh flowers can be financially draining. Try our paper flower-making technique and see how you can make dainty decor for your dinner date, a spiritual bouquet, accents to your giftwrapping and food gift.

2. Next, roll the strip of paper until you have a loosely rolled cigarette-like shape 2" high.
3. Bunch the straight side so the curved side opens up forming a petal-like opening.
4. Secure the paper where you bunched it with string or tape. This is your first flower!
Make a whole bunch in different colors and use to decorate your gift, dining table, etc. You can attach it to wire wrapped in green japanese or crepe paper and cut leaf shapes for a romantic flower arrangement too!
Good Events and Ideas
- Fight Global Warming from Your Desktop! Hello everyone, we found this really interesting site that allows you to reduce your PC power consumption with a simple download. I have allready joined the growing community. Please visit it at http://www.localcooling.com/ref/?type=tell&id=23959 and fight global warming from your desktop.
- EcoRescue Foundation - EcoRescue Foundation is a non-profit volunteer organization focused on environmental conservation programs and activities. One of our main thrusts is to "Conserve the Conservator" where we support park rangers, bantay dagat and other volunteers working to protect our environment. Learn more about this foundation at www.ecorescue.org
- Just Watch, Don't Catch Bird Festival - Feb. 12, Monday, Paranaque, starting 9 AM - sponsored by UNICEF - keep posted at www.birdwatch.ph for latest updates and event details
Parable Nights -Learn all about the wonders of scripture study and unlock a "treasure chest" of wisdom every Thursday at Shaw Blvd location. E-mail Cora tutormom@yahoo.com to inquire.
New Papemelroti Products
- #201-185 Message in a Bottle, straight to the heart! An unconventional way to express your affection rather than the traditional love letter - encase your thoughts inside a bottle! Beaded cork with silver metal accent all tied with silver chain makes up for an exciting and mysterious message! Re-usable as a cologne or tasty concoction container and as a decorative item. Also available with other labels. Only P149 / $4.26 each
Valentine Heart Boxes with our 2007 heart design. Inspirational bible verse from Proverbs will be a daily reminder for your loved one. An ideal container for sweets,
love notes, a dainty hanky or other small items. Only 159 / $4.55 each.
- #131-1179 Wooden Plate with Heart Design serves as a lovely decorative piece or can hold candies and clear marbles. P199 / $5.69
- Full Color Valentine Plaques for your sweetheart's desk! P85 / $2.43
- #240-7 Picture frame made of wood brightly decorated with full color decoupage designs. Only P89 / $2.55 each.
- Tiny Love is to Share bear #1-390 Adorable bear is perched upon a tiny heart block. Only P15 / $0.45
- Metallic Frames #242-34 - great wedding or debut party token! Available in a variety of designs. Only P59 / $1.70
- Charmed Plaques - hold wisdom by a beribboned charm. With a dozen designs to choose from! Among these are: #1-1174 Love Always Protects (P112 / $3.20), #1-1176 God is watching (P89 / $2.55), #1-1206 The Good Gardener's Prayer (P119 / $3.40) and many more!
- Quote Collection Gift Wrapper - P9.75 / $0.28
- #148-477 and -478 Quote Collection Pads with matching holder tied with jute string - 1 5/8" x 2.75" x 3.5" - P98 / $2.80 each
- New boxes with the Quote Collection wrapper cover!
- #9008-242 Didache Daily Bible Reflection for Catholics (features Jan - Mar readings) in English and Tagalog. P125 / $3.58
- New designs! Half Pads with Official characters
- More products at the stores!