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2006 Mother's Day E-newsletter

21 Apr 2006

Dear Friend,

Mother's are a lot like gardeners except they raise up children instead of plants. They have an extraordinary amount of patience and love because they can see how much their children can "bloom" in God's time!
Without the watchful gaze of a gardener, weeds and insects can destroy the most precious of flowers and make a tree or vine be fruitless. That's how important mothers are to us!
As adults, God continues to "water our souls" with His abiding presence daily. He is the "Gardener of our Souls"!
Sometimes we may not think God is there specially when we experience a lot of needs unfulfilled. If we look to the example of the bougainvilla, we will see that some plants flower and bloom much much more when they are exposed to the harsh sunlight. Sometimes we need to be "dry" to reach our fullest potential.
A promise we can all hold on to is that the man who delights in God's ways shall be "like a tree {firmly} planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season and its leaf does not wither; and in whatever he does, he prospers." - Psalm 1:3
This Easter season, may we rejoice that whether we are a Mother ourself, or a child, we have God beside us tending us if we seek Him and allow His tender touch in our lives.
Happy Mother's Day on May 14!
E-Newsletter Editor
In this issue

A Bouquet for Mothers
Earth Day: Super Earth Saver
Learn How to Recycle Paper (Easily)
Papemelroti Thought Cards
BFL Book Feature: 365 TV-free Activities
Thank You
New Products from Papemel

A Bouquet for Mothers - Websites that say "I love you Mom"!
  • Know what the best gifts for Moms are? From Babycenter comes a survey of the worst gifts to best gifts ever! This might help you with your own gift-giving!
  • What's the difference between a "Good Mom" and a "Great Mom"? Here's what Helene says from DotMoms: A good mom puts Band-Aids on your boo-boos, a great mom eases your pain. A good mom helps you with your homework, a great mom guides you through the process of helping yourself. A good mom helps to mend your torn clothes, a great mom helps to mend your broken heart. --- What do you think distinguishes the two?
  • Here's a website all for the love of Mothers! Whether you want to find a nice poem for Mom, stories, gift ideas, games, Mother movies, recipes or you're a Mom yourself, click here to find a heart-warming way to spend your time. Click to Mother's Day
Earth Day article

Earth day is celebrated every April 22nd each year. Why celebrate Earth Day?

Whenever we celebrate Earth day, we celebrate life! If you touch anything within your reach at this moment, it has most surely come from the earth - it could be cellphone, computer or ballpen - the earth's materials were processed into making that item. All we eat comes from the earth's produce! The most beautiful sights we can ever see when we're on vacation come from nature untouched by man.

Knowing this reminds us of our great responsibility to care for our earth so it can continue to be a source of life for all. Here are some simple ways to celebrate Earth day:

  1. Join festivities of the Haribon Foundation, Cycling Advocates, Winner Foundation, Wild Bird Club and other earth-friendly groups on Earth Day, April 22nd, Saturday. There will be a fun bike ride starting from the QC circle ending up at the CCP complex where more fun activities are in store the whole day. More details here.
  2. Join the 8th Tour of the Fireflies: "ReCycle: Balik Bisikleta" on April 23, 2006 and promote cycling for cleaner air! The 50-km, easy paced ride this year starts and ends at Tiendesitas (C-5) More details here
  3. Plant a tree or nurture a new plant for your home! Cleaner air starts with us!
  4. Join birdwatching tours and learn not just about our feathered friends - click to Wild Bird Club Philippines
  5. Read WWF's recommendations on how we can save the earth in our day to day activities. Click here
  6. Increase your knowledge of our amazing and unique local flora and fauna. Click here
  7. Get a copy of the new #7136-2 Papemelroti Super Earth Saver book with ways to recycle the most common waste products from your home. click to view online
  8. More suggestions on the Papemelroti Earth Day page click here
Learn How to Recycle Paper (Easily)!
Recycling paper has a lot of good purposes. It saves you the trouble of buying paper for writing, giftwrapping, greeting cards & letters. You can also get creative - coloring paper, putting leaves and different elements - making it as thick or thin as you want. You can also learn to mold the paper into decorative shapes! More importantly, you reduce the need for more paper -which lessens the cutting down of trees which we all need for cleaner air, flood control, maintaining the ecological balance among many other benefits.
Now you can learn how to do it! Just drop by our Casa Vicente-Susana Alabang branch starting Friday, April 21! There will be a booth for making Handmade Paper and the staff there can assist you! You may purchase a handmade paper making kit there but the lesson is for free (!!!). Click here for map
Papemelroti Thought Cards
Now you can receive a daily dose of "Today's Advice", (from our popular Papemelroti paper pack line) suggestions on how to spend your "Personal Time" or "Personal Prayers" through your mobile phone. You can also send this as a gift. MMS or SMS available! So many themes available! Simply pick the theme you want and text your requests! Click here to choose your category and more instructions.

Books For Less Book Feature: 365 TV-free Activities (you can do with kids)
Imagine having a fun creative activity to do with your kid for every day of the year! Something that will lure them away from habit-forming TV and promote a deeper relationship between parent and child!
On page 113 there is the "Forest Crowns and Bracelets" activity. Kids and parent can make a crown or wreath from garden leaves. This sparks the imagination of children and transports them into the magical land of make believe!
On page 88, "Eat Right" teaches the kids about nutrition by making a game of it. Everyone pitches in to make a food chart of the 4 basic food groups (protein, dairy, vegetable/fruit and bread/grains/cereals - and cut out pictures from magazines. After teaching which is which, let the child see if he/she can put the foods into the right groups!
Watch out for the opening of the newest BFL branch at the SM Mall of Asia on May 20th!
It's easy to find the book you need at Books for Less! Just e-mail or contact the TEXT Hotline at 630-9999 (no format needed). For other BFL inquiries, please e-mail or call 371-4539 for details. For branches and other information visit their updated website at
Thank You
For everyone who donated to our Papemelroti Lenten Project for the He Cares Village - a big THANK YOU! We will be celebrating Easter with them this Sunday, April 23rd and all your donations will be given to the families! God bless your generous hearts! You can be updated on our He Cares project by visiting the He Cares website.
New Products from Papemelroti
  • #7136 Super Earth Saver Booklet by calej. Here's a book that will help you save a lot of money (and even earn some while you're at it) if you recycle. Plus get a chance to "save the earth" in your own little way! So many fun and easy-to-do projects whether you are 9 or 90! This is the 2nd in the series of fun little booklets worth P69.75 / $2. Click here to see online
  • New Patchwork Blue Quilt giftwrapper is making waves! The new design is so versatile for so many of our product lines - from scrapbooks to kraft paper bags and boxes! Mix and match your own products for a fun look! P9.75 or $0.28 each roll Click here to see online
  • New Kraft paper bags with Patchwork Blue Quilt look is now available in sizes that match our paper products! See the varied sizes and prices available! Click here to see online
  • Blue Quilt tin boxes are so useful for storage and as a gift box. Mix these with our new matching products!
  • New small notebook design #7299-28 "What lies behind us" is made of recycled paper. 4" x 5.5"
    P18.00/U$0.52 each
    Click here to see online
  • New #9010 Greeting Cards designs for friendship, birthday, thank you, sympathy, mothers, fathers, and for invitations too Click here to see online
  • New Craft Cut Designs by popular demand! These ready to cut liner board scrapbook sheets are in themes for wedding, beach days, friendship and more! 8 5/8" x 11 1/8" , 10g. Each page costs P15.00/$0.43.
  • More items at the shops!!!
*Please take note of the Item Codes if you wish to inquire about these items at our shops!

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