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Have a Happy HOLY-ween👼

28 Oct 2023

holyween philippines

All around the world, on October 31st, children and all manner of people dress up in different costumes as a way of having fun. 

The word "Halloween" is taken from "All Hallow's Eve" with "Hallow" meaning "Holy".  It marks the night before All Saint's Day which is on November 1st of every year.  

This holy day from Catholic tradition commemorates and honors everyone who has lived a virtuous life and has gone to heaven.

The earliest known document about All Saint's Day comes from the 8th century when Pope Gregory III dedicated a chapel in Saint Peter's basilica in Rome on this day.

Today, most people do not associate Halloween with anything holy but many Christian families have taken the day as an opportunity for learning. Some use the term "Holy-ween" to differentiate it from secular festivities.

Children dress up as their patron saints as a unique way of emulating their admirable traits.  Parents tell the stories of these heroic souls who shaped history to their children as a way of sparking interest in their lives that were lived not for self but for God and for others.

Want your little boy to be an evil spirit's worst nightmare?  Have him dress up as Saint Benedict!

SOURCE: Catholic All Year

You can also dress them up like Saint George who is the patron of chivalry.  With his saving a princess from the clutches of a fiery dragon, he is a good role model for every gentleman!

Want your little girl to be brave, strong and beautiful?  Have her dress up as Saint Joan of Arc!

SOURCE:  Aleteia 

Want your child to have a generous heart for the poor?  Let her know the story of Mother Teresa of Calcutta who served the poorest of the poor.

Stumped for ideas?  Check out the different saint stories and images created by papemelroti artist Calej on Instagram.  She features a saint every day on their feast day.  

Their lives are pretty fascinating!  

holy saints

We hope you have the best Holyween ever!

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