
Dear Friend,The angel Gabriel said to Mary, "with God, nothing is impossible" (Luke1:37). If you believe in miracles, you believe in Christmas! The first Christmas was such a miracle-studded event. As if the appearance of the angel Gabriel wasn't miracle enough, he announced the birth of 2 children, one to Elizabeth, a...
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Dear Friend,One of my current favorite quotes is "There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart." (words by Celia Thaxter). So even if the sky (or political climate) is filled with darkness and gloom, amidst rolling thunder, we are able to hold sunshine close when we are thankful. Since we don't...
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Dear Friend,One of my current favorite quotes is "There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart." (words by Celia Thaxter). So even if the sky (or political climate) is filled with darkness and gloom, amidst rolling thunder, we are able to hold sunshine close when we are thankful. Since we don't...
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Dear Friend,One of my current favorite quotes is "There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart." (words by Celia Thaxter). So even if the sky (or political climate) is filled with darkness and gloom, amidst rolling thunder, we are able to hold sunshine close when we are thankful. Since we don't...
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Dear Friend,One of my current favorite quotes is "There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart." (words by Celia Thaxter). So even if the sky (or political climate) is filled with darkness and gloom, amidst rolling thunder, we are able to hold sunshine close when we are thankful. Since we don't...
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Dear Friend,Wisdom of the ages, kind smiling eyes, a bottomless treasure trove of stories, a patient listening ear, inquisitive ways, and a warm embrace. These are what one can expect from a grandparent. They have been there, done that ... they know what's really important in life. They know that life is...
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Dear Friend,Wisdom of the ages, kind smiling eyes, a bottomless treasure trove of stories, a patient listening ear, inquisitive ways, and a warm embrace. These are what one can expect from a grandparent. They have been there, done that ... they know what's really important in life. They know that life is...
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