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Special Offer: Art Journals and Gluebooks

30 Jun 2017

This July is certainly going to be an exciting month for smart shoppers and artsy crafters!

We are offering 2017 journals as a means of creative expression in an affordable way.

They are now 50% off!

But if you haven't heard of  "gluebooks", we are here to help you.

The Urban Dictionary defines gluebooks as "whatever you want it to be".  We know that's not really too specific so we want to show you instead of rattle on about it.
The gluebook above is by resident artist Patricia Paterno.

Here's a sample of a week in an art journal where you still put your schedules in it and what happened during the past week.  You'll be able to see what kind of week it was - in a glance.

Got no time to do art?  Yes you do!  It only takes 10 minutes or so to make a spread.

Journaling will prove to be your most favorite time of day.

Here's a sample of what you can do to start.

Some tips you can find on this video:

1. Practice - it truly does make perfect!

2. Make your soul happy - There's already enough doom and gloom in the world.  Let the sunshine into your journal and let it burst happily into your heart!  Choose words that uplift and encourage you to be a better you!

3. Did you make a mistake?  Keep going! - Did you see where we made ours?  We wrote "Be Inspire" instead of "Be inspiring!" But we didn't scratch the whole project.  In fact, we kept going.  Mistakes are part of life and sometimes can be the funniest part of your project!  Let's just learn from them and be better next time but in journaling, just go on. 

If it bothers you that much, you can paste over it, paint over it or draw over it.  There's tons you can do to make it more beautiful!

4. Have fun and be creative - the whole point of this is to express yourself - so only you can make the "correct"piece of art on that page.  Bring beauty into your life with color and strokes and pictures!  Choose magazine cutouts that make you smile. 

5. Experiment - use different materials and textures for your pages.  Don't stick to one medium... or... do!  It's all up to you!

6. Since Papemelroti's art journals are on sale now - they're actually 50% off!!!  WOW!  Now's the time to buy!  Their kraft pages won't get you all guilty about the environment as they're all made of 100% recycled paper.

The pages are easy to handle and are thick enough to withstand all kind of pens and glued paper but if you want to use heavy markers, we suggest you attach paper on top of the design first as it will show through to the back.  Other types of paints (not too watery) and pens are fine!  

Please feel free to share your art journals with us!  Go to and send us a message!  The best art may be featured here!

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