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Ideas on How to Spend Valentines Day

29 Jan 2018

They say that love is a friendship set ablaze in a raging fire so it burns brighter than the stars in the night sky.  Isn't that such a precious gift?  Finding love isn't easy in today's fast-paced, busy world.  So if you love someone, then that is something to celebrate ... every ... single ... day!

We want you to be able to express that love in a more lasting way - not through flowers that would fade the day after Valentines and not through chocolate that eventually ends up on our hips!  But through shared memories and yes through the little gifts that go a long way.

Anything that is worthwhile is worth taking the time to plan and be creative with.  So here are some ideas that will make your Valentine's day, a day like no other!   These will surely make your sweetheart smile!

Right from the start of the day, you can already express your love in a tasty way!

Source: Reader's Digest

From pancakes to potatoes, here are some ideas on how to make a more warm (-hearted) meal! 

Eggs in a Heart   |   Heart Pancakes   |    Roasted Potato Hearts  |   Oreo Hearts  |    Heart Cinnamon Rolls   |    Heart Sushi 

BUT REMEMBER!  We suggest though that you abstain from meat to commemorate the start of the Lenten season!

Source: Pinterest

If you're significant other is going to work on Valentine's day (and since it's on Wednesday, there's a high probability of that), pack a special lunch for him/her.  It can also be something you sneak into their lunch box while they're not looking - a funny note perhaps? 

You can also put little love notes where you know they look everyday: the dresser, bathroom shelf, where they keep the keys etc.  It's the little things like this that will make the day special.

Send a message in a bottle!  Somehow it just comes out so much more romantic!  You can put a simple "i love you" or a whimsical poem like "Roses are red, violets are blue, I am the happiest when I am with you".

You can even make your bottle gift.  Don't throw away the pickle jars and instead, put slips of paper with the "Awwww" moments you've had together with your sweetheart.  

What do we mean by "Awwww"?   Remember that time when your loved one treated you out unexpectedly because you came home stressed from work?  How about the time you got a message out of a blue saying "I love you"?  Those times.  The bottle will be filled up in no time!

Photo by Mel Turner

This year why not try having dinner at home instead of at a restaurant?  Turn off all the lights and have dinner by candlelight.  Get all the Christmas lights and candles out for instant ambience!  You can eat out in the garden if you have some nice lanterns hanging from the trees.  Make the table setting special by making a heart placemat (out of paper is okay!) and using the tableware that's always being saved for a special occasion.

Oh, we also suggest the removal of all cellphones and computers around!  This should be a gadget-free event (unless it's just for music in the background)!

Do you love your sweetheart to pieces?  Then have some together time by having a Jigsaw Puzzle competition!  Make your own puzzle and have fun with it!  Check out the instructions here.

Photo by Clarisse Meyer

After you've digested your dinner, you can do the Salsa challenge!  Don't know how?  You can get some tips from this video (unless you've been a contestant on Dancing with the Stars).  The point is to have fun!  Go dance the night away!

Before you end the day, don't forget to say a prayer together.  Any relationship will encounter challenges and will need divine help!  The love we share with one another cannot compare to God's love for us - which we remember at the start of the Lenten season, so let's pray that we love with the perfect love He has given us. 

Have a blessed February 14th!

*** See our Valentine's Day gift suggestions ***

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