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Craftstory: Cork Critters

27 Aug 2013

Craft projects, as we all know, take time and talent to accomplish.  

Some people have the impression that making crafts necessitates a big budget to make the outcome more attractive.  Some think that one needs a lot of practice just to make something that of value.  Others think that you must have a lot of passion or a cause to create the "heart"-work.

One young hobbyist didn't need to spend a lot to make her projects.  She just grabbed what was available at their home to make her critters.

The young crafter Yanna's family would regularly have thanksgiving prayers at their home and one of the symbols of celebration is a bottle of wine which the whole family would share.  Seeing all the cork from the bottle, Yanna had an idea to make some Cork Critters.

For safety, Yanna's mom would help her cut the cork but everything else was Yanna's design.

See a smiling Ant.

Meet her first creation, a cute Kitty.

Let your imagination ride away with the Horse.

Here's Yanna's delightful duck with pistachio nut shells for feathers.

Here is 8-year-old Yanna posing with her Cork Critters.

Here is Yanna with her growing collection of Cork Critters. 

Getting her inspiration from the books she reads, she brings the characters to life!  She never ceases to amaze her friends and family with her ideas!

"...the work of their hands brings them reward."
- Proverbs 12:14

*We love inspiring you with creative crafters like Yanna so you too can start working on a masterpiece all your own.  If you have a craft idea or project you wish to share with our readers and e-mail subscribers, you may e-mail us at info[at]papemelroti[dot]com.

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