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ATD Fourth World Philippines' Christmas Workshop

01 Dec 2015
We really appreciate the work ATD is doing for underprivileged communities!

"ATD is a nonprofit organization which aims towards the eradication of chronic poverty through a human-rights based approach. It works in partnership with communities across the world to end the exclusion and injustice of persistent poverty, and focuses on learning from and supporting families living in poverty, through grass-roots presence and involvement in disadvantaged communities." (Wikipedia)

They recently had a yuletide decor and card-making workshop with the ATD communities and friends.  Sana Sta Ana shared with us her photos with captions on what ATD has been up to.

Our facilitators Ate Susan Regalado and Beth Jonson teaching the participants to sew the Christmas lanterns.

Kuya Robert Alejandro teaching how to make Christmas cards using paper cuts.

Decorating the angels

using acrylic paint

Kuya Robert prepared angel pop-up templates.

Every one eager to learn from Kuya Robert.

different designs, techniques and styles

Sewing a piece of cloth for the Christmas lanterns.

The participants of the workshop will be sending these to their loved ones as their Christmas greetings.

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