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Art in the Park 2015

05 Apr 2015

Art in the Park's 9th year was a success (despite some rain) as it showcased 60 outstanding exhibitors.  Among them was Patricia Paterno, owner and artist for Papemelroti Gift Shops.

We asked Patsy a few questions about the event:

"What did you enjoy most about joining Art in the Park?"

Seeing different kinds of art, interacting with artists, and meeting people who liked my paintings!  I was very encouraged, especially when they asked me questions, took pictures of my paintings, and some even bought my paintings!  That is so amazing to me!

What did people say about your art?
That it was beautiful, that I had great talent (wow!), that I should continue!  Some would stay a long time talking to me about how I started, and the materials and techniques I used.

What did you learn?
I realize that many people want to paint and create art, but they think they are not creative.  I know that all of us have that creative instinct put inside us by the greatest artist, our Father.

He enjoyed creating the world so much, making the different kinds of animals, sculpting the mountains, the seas, dividing dark and light, that He wanted us to have that same enjoyment.  I also believe that this is one of our greatest gifts, and has the potential to give us so much joy and satisfaction.  And because of that, our ancient enemy wants to take that away and tries from our childhood to dissuade us by making us believe art is only for a chosen few talented people!  So not true! Everyone is an artist!


Patsy's art caught the eye of Manilascope "...watching out for Ms. Patricia Paterno’s HeArtWorks (as she termed her account in Facebook). Ms. Paterno, as an artist is more known in the art circle as “Patsy Paterno” and her art pieces are usually chic and pretty. Her paintings done in acrylic or oil usually induce good feelings from its viewers. If you are lucky, you may be able to buy one of her art pieces displayed in their family’s gift store, Papemelroti."

You wouldn't believe this but busy Patsy makes time to do her art at 4 o'clock in the morning after her prayer time.  That's why her series is called Sunrise Reflections.  Even if she is traveling and in a cramped space somewhere, or if she is not feeling too well, you'll still find her painting away in the early hours of the morning.  With the bright colors and fanciful portraits, her art naturally lifts your spirits.

SonRise Insights wrote an article on her blog about livening up your personal time with the Lord, "I also love how Patsy Paterno actually draws a picture in her bible---right over the words, and then paints it!"   

Patsy displayed her work alongside excellent Ilustrador ng Kabataan (INK) artists Beth Parrocha-Doctolero and Bernadette Solina Wolf.

Visit Patricia Paterno's Gallery and Shop

Visit Patsy's Blog

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