2009 Affirmations e-Newsletter
14 Jul 2009

You are God's Masterpiece!
When you look into the mirror each day, do you see a work of art or do you get frustrated at the increasing strands of white hair peeping out?
Everywhere we are surrounded by impossible standards of beauty and perfection that we naturally try to recreate it in our mortal beings.
Why not try a new approach? See yourself as a uniquely fashioned masterpiece and identify your special features. Affirm and remind yourself that you were created for a purpose that only you can fulfill in this world! How marvelous can that be?
"We are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works which God prepared in advance for us to do." ~Ephesians 2:10
e-Newsletter Editor
In this issue
Papemelroti Updates
Time to Do Some Good
Taking Good Care of You
Waste Trade Markets
Good Events to Join
Win a Shiny Shinies Necklace
Congratulations to the Winner!
Books for Less Updates
Reseller's Corner
New Papemelroti Products
What exactly are affirmations?
These are positive thoughts that we pull out when we are feeling down and discouraged. These are words of inspiration and hope that we use to battle negative self-talk that sometimes comes into our mind depending on the situation we are confronting.
For example, when challenged, one might say "I'll never make it!"
An affirmation for this could be "I can do all things"(Phil 4:13)
A good idea would be to collect affirmations that you find helpful and post it on your mirror or refrigerator. If you read it often enough, it will transform your mind and empower you to be the best you can be!
Time to Affirm Others
We at Papemelroti have been able to witness hopes growing and lives changing through the Quezon City Jail Ministry...
Many of those incarcerated are still waiting for their day in court and have not even been handed a guilty sentence!
Would you like to help? If you can donate clothes for men it will help them feel the random kindness of strangers. They need decent shirts they can use to go to their court hearings.
All donations are accepted at all Papemelroti outlets. Please label: Prison Ministry c/o Meldy. Thank you!
...whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.' - Matthew 25:40
Taking Good Care of Yourself
- In today's busy world, it's easy to just get caught up in your regular routine, unaware of ordinary things we do that can cause harm to our well-being. Take the time to take good care of you!
- Personal Time is important. Take at least half an hour to be alone in a restful atmosphere and recharge. Do some thanksgiving prayers and do some journaling.
- Overtime at the office? Store some whole-wheat bread, fruits and nuts to keep your body energized. Forget the junkfood and softdrinks as they usually contain too much salt or sugar. Of course drink lots and lots of water!
- Talcum powder has been a common household item for years but did you know that some studies link inhaling talc to serious illness? Be sure to check that it doesn't contain asbestos. A healthier alternative is cornstarch-based powders or use mineral makeup instead.
- What if you overindulged on unhealthy food? Counter it by drinking some green tea! The benefits are from head to foot!
- Can't quit smoking? Try the classic and mint flavored alternative herb "cigarettes" sold at health stalls like Carica. We hope it helps you quit this destructive habit and live a healthier happier lifestyle.
- As much as possible, choose local organic products rather than products packed with chemicals. Your body works overtime to protect itself when it is periodically loaded with substances like Sodium Laureth Sulfate. Good local brands to try are Milea www.allorganics.com.ph and Human Nature http://www.humanheartnature.com/ which is affiliated to Gawad Kalinga (gives livelihood to underprivileged Filipinos).
Good Events to Join!
- July 10 (Friday) - Come appreciate the beauty and uniqueness of our Philippine Birds at the first ever exhibit of the Wild Bird Club of the Philippiners at the National Museum starting 6 PM. The exhibit runs for a whole month. To help further the cause for environment conservation click to www.birdwatch.ph
- July 11 (2nd Saturday) - Waste Trade Market! Lose your trash, earn some money and even save the Earth! At Bonifacio High Street (vacant lot in front of R.O.X. Building)
- July 17 (3rd Friday) - Waste Trade Market! Alabang Town Center (parking lot infront of St. Jerome's Parish)
- July 20 (Monday) - This July, we want to present to you a choice. It's a pretty small choice to decide to invest some time listening to stories of good choices that various people have made. We want to warn you though that this small choice can result to something big and wonderful. Come join us at Pathways: a series of talks and discussion groups on issues pertaining to our spiritual growth and formation. It's at 7:30 PM at Arnold Janssen Hall, Christ the King, E. Rodriguez Ave., QC. For inquiries, contact Gerric Gomez (09178552305), Mike Lagazon ( 09209134482), Ronald Misa (09189198684).
- July 24 (4th Friday) - Waste Trade Market! Trinoma (open car park)
- August 28-30 (Fri-Sun) - Life Directions 78: a 3-day live-in, interactive retreat for young professionals facilitated by Fr. Ted Gonzales, SJ. For inquiries, e-mail LDsecretariat@gmail.com or contact 0917-8808288.
Frances Michelle Pascual of Paranaque who won our Summer Set online contest! She was picked randomly among 75 other contestants!
To all of you who joined, we hope you had fun! We thank you and invite you to join again!Win a Shiny Shinies Necklace!
From anywhere in the world, you can win our one-of-a-kind shiny shinies necklace! It's a totally treat for the one-of-a-kind YOU! Click to www.papemelroti.com/contests.htm to get a chance!
Reseller's Corner:
Featured Rookie Distributor!
Meet Lourdes Charisse Laco, our newest distributor from Canada! She has been "into" Papemelroti since 1989. Thus, making it 20 years since!
We were so honored to find out that admittedly, she, along with her mom and sister are fans of Papemelroti. She says, "There never was a dull moment whenever I go into one of your stores. If there is no time pressure, it usually takes me 30 minutes - 1 hour just to make a selection because of all the beautiful pieces. Therefore, believing in the products made me decide to resell the items."
Moreover, she says, "Canada is a big advocate of recycling. However, there's not much recycled paper products such as Papemelroti's that are available in the market. Thus, introducing the uniqueness of the items is a big plus. It's a very promising venture."
Taking it slowly but surely during unpredictable times, she plans to distribute to Filipino Stores, novelty shops and join bazaars / flea markets in Edmonton, Alberta areas.
If you're in Canada, just email charisselaco@yahoo.com to get the latest items from Papemelroti!
Great Shipping Deals Available!
Now we have better services for our resellers!
Want to pay for the product shipping costs when it arrives? Want the costs cut in half?
We may be able to do this for you! Contact us today and ask us if we can provide a lesser costing freight charge for your area. (Sorry this offer is not applicable for remote areas)
Don't forget to share what you've learned in the retail business!
Join the Resellers Multiply Community online
at http://pape4resellers.multiply.com.
*Order your Teacher's Day items now!
Want to try being a reseller? Click here for more information
New Papemelroti Products!
- New Jewelry Pieces in one-of-a-kind designs! Purchase these unique pieces by clicking here
- SnapCat & Dog are magnetic paper holders that keep your notes and reminders in such a creative way! Remind and inspire yourself with these adorable figurines! The animal's front and back parts snap together due to an embedded magnet. Made of durable resin. Size 2" height x 1.75" x 2.75", 60g. #1-1486 Dog and #1-1487 Cat are priced at only P69 / $1.98 each.
- New Eyeglass Holders are now available! See our clown, lion, Mr. and Mrs. Egg. Collect them all!
- Mismo Boardgame by Filipinos for Filipinos! It's very simple to play! We can guarrantee you this - Nobody's wrong. Everybody's right -- and that's exactly the recipe for wholesome mayhem.) You'll also find in Mismo! a fantastic platform to rediscover and reaffirm all the little things -- people, places, events, concepts -- that define the whole Philippine adventure. Mismo is on an introductory sale for only P1777 / $51 only until July 31, 2009! After this month, the price will be P1975 / $56.50 each.
- Wooden Corkboards, large and small with whitewashed look for a nice, clean look.
- Bookmark Bracelets are a great gift for your friends. They are versatile and trendy too!
- #215-345-3 Collage Booklet Journal with other various designs that match our products. Each booklet has 300 sheets! The booklet is garterized to keep the cover secure. P95 / $2.72